In these days when we all speed up the processes of blogging, mailing and content management, little topic strategies from us to you;
◾️Intriguing Headlines: "What's a Dry Cleaner Doing on Twitter?" (Excerpt from MarketingProfs Daily Fix)
◾️Specific Topics: "How to Achieve Success in Business Life?" Instead, provide a succinct flow of information such as "5 Ways to Succeed".
◾️Simplification: "This Is Why You're Fat!" make every complex point simple.
◾️Surprising & Strange Analogies: "The Inigo Montoya's Guide to 27 Frequently Misused Words" (Brian Clark of Copyblogger)
◾️Be Contrary: "Why Too Much Money Is Worse Than Too Little?" (From Guy Kawasaki's article in the American Express OPEN Forum)
◾️The Power of Numbers: "5 Ways to Succeed in Business Life" (Use odd numbers as much as possible; odd numbers are currencies for trade, and the question "why is 29 instead of 30?" arouses curiosity. ☺️
◾️Excellent Adjectives: Instead of "Raise Your English Level", "Your English Level Is High With Our Expert Staff!" Prefer title.
P.S: Each one has been tried and tested by us. 😎